
It's a New day, A new month, and its time for A new you! Aren't you glad that yesterday ended last night? I know I am. Many times we get caught in a web of thoughts that keep us locked in yesterday and out of today; thoughts about lost love, dreams broken, disappointing friendships, and even thoughts about our failures. But guess what? That ended yesterday. And by the grace of God you are still here. So no matter what naysayers have to say about you today, no matter what they bring up about your past, God got over it, so should you ;-)! You obviously still have an assignment to complete.

As women, we tend to be labeled as overly emotional. But ladies if God intended for us to have hard calloused hearts then He would have created us in that manner. He gave us a mind that works like His. The things that normally matter to us are the same things that matter to Him. So consider your emotions an honor! He saw fit to give us instant access to tears to wash our hearts of overwhelming pain.  Our tears were given to us to quench the thirst of our souls. Ever notice how refreshed you feel after you cry? Tears have the power to heal us of all our burdens. It's not to say that the circumstances immediately change. But you do begin to see things from a new perspective.

Today, I made a list of some ideas that have been floating around in this brain of mine. It's amazing how some of the simplest things we want to do never get done. Most times because we are so preoccupied with our day-to-day mountains. You know the familiar mountains...the laundry, the kids, the bills, the boss, the promotions, and oh yeah...the man.

But, I have been making a conscious effort lately to just get still  more often. Slow down and spend more time alone with my thoughts. You would be amazed at what you find in the closet of your mind when you are left alone to clean it. I highly encourage this  personal time of meditation. So my list is simple, it goes:

1. Buy a bike (Wal-Mart 79.99)

2. Be creative (Blog!)

3. Be healthy (exercise my mind and my body)

4. Live (Breathe)

5. Smile (No matter what... Love is in me)

6. Be A Bestie!!! (simply being available to those who love me)

7. Dance!!! (move these hips, no matter what size, and enjoy the fact that there is life in me) 

Kimberly Ford