
We all know that we have a scheduled entrance and exit into and out of time. Eternity will be even greater once we get there. But I am convinced that God intended for us to also enjoy "time". I love walking in the park, not just because I want to shed 20 lbs.(LOL) But as I walk through the trail I love to feast my eyes on the leaves and the trees, I stare in the skyline until my eyes just get full. I breathe in the air taking long deep breaths, I want to remember each and every step of my path. I want to remember each squirrel that darts across the ground making a little noise in the leaves. I want to remember the ducks that wade in the water at the exact spot that they wade. We take so many things for granted and run through life looking for the next success. We run through life skipping today and chasing tomorrow, thinking, "I've got time". We run through life worrying about how we will end up, when really once we get there... there really isn't much we can do. We wonder "Will I end up in a home for the elderly? Will my children be successful enough in life to take care of me when I can't? Am I even loving them enough so that when I get there will they even want to? We wonder sometimes am I making an impact on the world? When really instead the world is making an impact on us. We spend so much time subconsciously worrying about the end, that we fail to enjoy the beauty of success staring right at us.

When we are dead and gone the trees are still standing, flowers still blooming, and the cars will still need repairs. They dig a whole in the ground and place you in it so that you can have your eternal rest. There is no time or tomorrow there, all there is... is REST. So I refuse to ignore the success of today. I refuse to ignore the turtles in the lake, trying to gain my attention by lifting their heads from the water. I refuse to not celebrate the butterfly that has successfully come through the process of her cocoon. I refuse to skip the cleansing of the rain, which sings a melody of release. And I refuse to ignore the wind that speaks to me on a scorching Georgia day. I will have my share of joy served on the Earth's platter. This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. While I have time I will enjoy the simple success of life; which is living.  Because when the time comes for me to go, I will be in a box beneath the ground, as these things go on without me.

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Kimberly Ford